Coastal & Community News

Coastal HOA Management Services believes that when Board members are educated about the “nuts and bolts” of their positions they become both more productive and much better at handling Board/Owner relations. Below are some of our efforts to help educate our clients.

At the Meadow Oaks Clubhouse in Hudson. Atty. Dan Greenberg from Cianfrone and DeFurio, gave the presentation at which 48 Board members were certified as having received the training.

At the Meadow Oaks Clubhouse in Hudson. Atty. Dan Greenberg from Cianfrone and DeFurio, gave the presentation at which 48 Board members were certified as having received the training.
Coastal HOA Management Inc

More than 50 Board members attended ,and those who were Condo Board members, also earned their state-required Certificate. Attorneys Daniel J. Greenberg and Tiffany Grant ,from the offices of Cinafrone and Defurio, were present to provide the Condo and HOA material.

More than 50 Board members attended ,and those who were Condo Board members, also earned their state-required Certificate. Attorneys Daniel J. Greenberg and Tiffany Grant ,from the offices of Cinafrone and Defurio, were present to provide the Condo and HOA material.
Coastal HOA Management Inc

Also held at Meadow Oaks Clubhouse in Hudson. About 40 Board members from several Boards attended the event, which was given by Joe Cianfrone Attorneys.

Also held at Meadow Oaks Clubhouse in Hudson. About 40 Board members from several Boards attended the event, which was given by Joe Cianfrone Attorneys.
Coastal HOA Management Inc

Attorney Joe Cianfrone began the two part session by reviewing what is involved in HOA and Condo Documents.

Attorney Joe Cianfrone began the two part session by reviewing what is involved in HOA and Condo Documents.
Coastal HOA Management Inc

Attorney Jennifer Sinclair reviewed items such as Contracts, Bid procedures, and Budget Preparation.

Attorney Jennifer Sinclair reviewed items such as Contracts, Bid procedures, and Budget Preparation.
Coastal HOA Management Inc

Coastal Management has sponsored Ellen de Haan’s two-hour course on Condo and HOA fundamentals titled “What You Always Wanted to Know But were Afraid To Ask.”  The head of the Tampa Bay Office of Becker and Poliakoff gave the 25 participants not only advice, but illustrated her points with personal history of 24 years on the job as an attorney representing Condos and HOA’s.

“Thanks for much for this.” was the phrase uttered by many of the attendees, as they left the meeting room at the Meadow Oaks Clubhouse in Hudson, Florida holding their State-recognized Certificates for the course. Photos below are from the event.

Coastal Management has sponsored Ellen de Haan’s two-hour course on Condo and HOA fundamentals titled "What You Always Wanted to Know But were Afraid To Ask."  The head of the Tampa Bay Office of Becker and Poliakoff gave the 25 participants not only advice, but illustrated her points with personal history of 24 years on the job as an attorney representing Condos and HOA's.

“Thanks for much for this.” was the phrase uttered by many of the attendees, as they left the meeting room at the Meadow Oaks Clubhouse in Hudson, Florida holding their State-recognized Certificates for the course. Photos below are from the event.
Coastal HOA Management Inc

Another seminar was held at the Library at Trinity College. The topic was “Foreclosures and Liens,” and was given by Joe Cianfrone, of Cianfrone and DeFurio law firm.

Board members from several associations were told about the “why’s” and “How to’s” of these financial steps being taken more frequently since the economic downturn began to affect associations and their Dues collections.

Board members from several associations were told about the "why's" and "How to's" of these financial steps being taken more frequently since the economic downturn began to affect associations and their Dues collections.